La Belle Provence

by Lindsay Drew Wotherspoon in , ,

Is it really the end of August already?  I'm not sure about you, but this summer has flown by.  Just the other day I noticed how much cooler the evenings are getting compared to a month ago.  I am NOT ready for the on-set of fall!  Didn't we just get summer?!?  Please let me have at least four more weeks of hot and humid summer nights filled with long bike rides, visits with friends, and one too many bottles of rosé wine.  Please???  Read More

San Pancho

by Lindsay Drew Wotherspoon in , , ,

Only 45 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta's airport, San Pancho (also referred to as San Francisco) seems miles away from the nightlife of PV.  There is no bus line that goes directly into town, which made it all the better.  San Pancho has a small population, yet it's culture is relatively diverse.  We encountered a number of ex-patriots from Canada and the U.S, even Europe and parts of South America.  However, the town still remained true to Mexico, with 'loud-speaker' fruit trucks being driven through the streets, roosters milling about, and family run taco stands on every corner.   I was so glad that we had decided to stay three more nights and enjoy the beach-filled bliss of the Mexican Riviera. Read More