Dark and stormy all day, the sun makes an appearance just minutes before she sets.
Stampede 101 fireworks as seen from our rooftop.
Soaking in the beautiful early morning light.
Celebrating at my favorite Calgary restaurant, and the best patio in the city, River Café.
Calgary's first ever Dîner en Blanc, complete with white cowboy hats, naturally.
Summer morning cityscape from my yoga mat.
September sunrise over Stampede park.
Dining al fresco; local burrata & hotchkiss heirloom tomato salad.
Summer has officially ended and we are now full throttle into fall. As a way of coping with the slight sadness that I inevitably feel at this time of year I wanted to dedicate a post to my favourite photos of this year's summer in Calgary. Weather-wise it was not particularly spectacular; there was of course the disastrous flooding in June that left many homeless for the whole season, and even afterwards the rain and cloud cover refused to let up until mid August. But regardless of the negatives there were many positives and every time the sun graced us with her presence I tried to make the most of it. This involved drinking many of my stellar Pimm's & Ginger cocktails, cooking countless awesome meals with the bounty of summer produce, running along the well-trodden river pathways, early morning rooftop yoga sessions. mid-day tanning breaks sitting in the sunny parking lot at work, and just enjoying the fact that I had a flip flop tan on my feet. Seriously. It's all about the simple things in life, right? There is of course, lots to look forward to over the next couple of months and I must say that I do get way more done during the winter season, but... what can I say? I'm just a summer kind of girl. :)
I hope all of you enjoyed some extra special summer moments this year and I wish you all a fantastic fall. Next up: London, Hamburg, Italy, California, and France! À bientôt,
Lindsay xo
Photos taken with a combination of my iPhone and brand new Canon 24-70 F2.8 lens mounted on my Canon Rebel DSLR.